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Caleb Brown (Jiu Jitsu Instructor)

Caleb Brown (Jiu Jitsu Instructor) photo Caleb Brown (Jiu Jitsu Instructor)

Coach Caleb started martial arts at the age of 5, training Tae Kwon Do and attaining the rank of Black belt at 17.  At 11 he started training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and it currently a purple belt under Brett Sbardella and Corey Brown.

For the past 8 years Caleb has focused primarily on BJJ and competing frequently.  Amongst his wins, he has taken 1st at the Arnolds Sports Festival grappling contest in Gi, NoGi, and Gi Absolute, 3rd place at SJJIF Worlds and many many more.  He attained the rank of purple belt at 19 and was invited to compete at the Midwest Finisher 145 Championship.  Caleb is also currently an active MMA fighter.